Wednesday 29 July 2015

Bit of a patty cake palette

Little Miss 11 has been home from school for a few days now... Nothing too serious just enough of a cough to keep us both up most of the night, enough of a headache to make her grumpy and enough of a runny nose to warrant shares in Kleenex. So what do we Freckles do when we are feeling tired and grumpy (or sick or stressed or any extreme emotion really) - we bake! 

So bake we did!

Miss 11 has a penchant for fondant icing so after we made our delicious chocolate patty cakes (I'll post the recipe for that one for you soon... Best...Patty... Cakes...Ever!) we cracked out the fondant icing and gave it a whirl. 

First up we roll and cut the icing into disks.

Next we brush the tops with some strawberry jam (I use IXL cause it's got no bits in it) that's been melted in the microwave for a few seconds.

Then stick the disks on...

Now here in lies the revelation... Bought these puppies at Spotlight and we use them all the time to do this:

So then little Miss 11 and I sat down to a well earned cup of tea and patty cake. And yes, I believe it did make us both feel a little better.