Friday 22 May 2015

Dog Duty (and pet chart!)

So following from my foster fail with the RSPCA and my fast growing family that now consists of Mr & Mrs Freckle, 5 little Freckles and now 2 dog Freckles (as well as Budgie Freckle and Frecklefish) it was well and truly time to take the dog by the proverbial collar and create a dog-management system.

Previous to this looking after the dog(s) was a job that I tried my best to share around but it usually ended up being mainly myself and the oldest Freckle (who is the most dog-enthused) doing all the dog care. So here is what we did:

1. Family meeting: The Freckles sat down and had a frank chat about who was shouldering most of the doggy duty and who was getting away with very little. We all decided that we love our dogs and want them to have a happy life and that none of us like it when the baby Freckle picks up dog poo and squishes it between her fingers running delightedly to the others squealing "Doggy Play-Doh", "Ooo, stinky Play-Doh!".... yes, not one of my finest parenting moments, that one!

2. We needed a system so that we could all share the responsibility of the dogs.

3. We could all be involved but some of the jobs were more suited to older Freckles i.e. baby Freckle was not so good at walking over-excited Beagle.

So first, I developed this chart ("Pet Roster" so you can use it too):

It has a space for playing with the dogs (help the littlest Freckles feel a bit of ownership and learn some responsibility), walking the dogs (we do this in teams of 2, one of the older Freckles with a middle sized Freckle), poo duty and feeding (also involves putting on the coats - usually I help with this as it is a bit tricky for the kids).

You can download the chart for free here.

I went to my newly re-designed K-Mart for the coolest shopping experience around found this bargain:
Isn't it cool? And only $12... bargain.... I can feel a laundry makeover coming on (watch this space)!!! Also bought this mat, have since discovered that the mat is useless as it moves around all over the place, but hey... it looks good!

And look, magic! The Bits and Bobs is gone and it becomes, Dog Stuff. Thank you Pinterest!

Complete with all the bits and bobs (hmmm....) that the little Freckles need to look after their Furry Freckly Friends:

Also added a container (previous Tupperware Host Gift that I have never used for it's intended purpose) for Poo Duty, containing nappy sacks (what an amazing invention!) and  baby wipes for accidents (inevitable). So now our little Dog Station looks like this:

So what do the little Freckles think?
One is so happy that she can share the burden and joys of pet ownership.... One not so happy as he was first up on Poo Duty.

For other organisational ideas and inspiration check out and have a look... keep coming back as I am adding a little more every week.

Until next time,

Felicity x


  1. This is a good idea like thebsetup you have for all the bits too. Might have to implement this in my house for the kids to help with the dog and chickens.

    1. Thanks!
      For the first time ever I have a laundry with a bench! Makes all this so much easier!!!
