Saturday 6 June 2015

Medicine: Chart that is 3am, exhausted and crying baby on the hip proof... well, almost!

Hello, Freckle followers. Another exhausting week of highs and lows in the Freckle household.

There have been tantrums, vomits, ridiculous nappies (YOU KNOW THE ONES.... EEWWW!), late for schools, birthday parties and trips to the ER. All just another week really!

No, seriously, Baby Freckle has been quite sick, in fact she is the one that has had two trips to the ER where the beautiful hospital doctors take one look at my singing, playing delight of a child and tell me that she is fine! But, she wastn't like that 2 hours ago, I say calmly. But, she has hardly eaten in two weeks, I tell them slightly agitated. But, her nappies smell like there is a dead animal inside her. Doesn't this warrant exploratory surgery, a helicopter trip to the capital, a team of gastroenterologists???? They smile, nod and tell me she will be fine. She has gastro. Could take another week or two or three before she is back to normal. Anyway, enough of my sleep deprived ramblings. We have been sent home with anti-nausea medication and been told to use Panadol and Nurofen for the pain. Poor little Freckle!

So, in the minutes that I have between ANOTHER load of washing and changing another sloppy nappy I have devised this little beauty! Sanity saver for me... I have been using something similar for year that I would scratch on a piece of paper but here it is looking all pretty!

I have designed it with space at the top for your Child's name... may seem silly but if you have more than one child and you have ever had them sick at the same time you will know how confusing it can be to remember who has had what, when! Then there is a space for you to write the dosage that you give the child, save having to remember how much they weigh and look up the back of the box when they are crying. I have done the chart with four spaces for Panadol and 3 for Nurofen. I am no pharmacist but I know that this is the maximum in 24 hours that a child can have. Once again, saves having to remember how much of which medicine you have given them. Most of the time, of course, you wouldn't be doubling up the Panadol and Nurofen but I have had to many times as my boys seem to have fevers that don't budge just with Panadol. 

Here is how it has looked for Baby Freckle over the last little bit:

I am hoping that this week brings an end to the sickness in our household, and I hope no dreaded bug have made their way into yours.

Felicity x

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